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6-10 August 2018 – Gansu Exchange Tour

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

After a trial on soybean propagation during the 1st phase of the STEAM@Soybean project, these secondary school students joined an exchange tour to Gansu on 6-10 August in the 2nd Phase of the project.

During the trip, students visited various agricultural research stations. They learnt about the detoxification of potatoes and development of new potatoes cultivars in the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

They also visited the CUHK-CAU Joint Experimental Station for Water-saving in Agriculture, where they were introduced how data collection and analysis were done with state-of-the-art technology both in the lab and on the field.

Highlight of the trip was the visit to the large-scale experimental fields of Longhuang soybean cultivars in Wuwei. Prof. Lam and his Gansu collaborator Prof. Guohong Zhang gave lively explanation to the students on agricultural concepts including different types of intercropping, drip irrigation, film-mulched irrigation etc. with real-life examples exhibiting right in front. Students also stepped into the field to be a “half-day researcher”, to observe and record on the soybean’s growth characteristics.

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