With the success of the first round of STEAM@Soybean in 2020, this education project was re-launched in July 2021 as STEAM@Soybean 2021, and has successfully recruited 30 local secondary schools as participating schools. A teacher training workshop was organised on 18 September 2021 to kick-start the new round of project.
Prof. Hon-Ming LAM hosted a public science seminar with the title of “Using soybean as an example to study biology cum STEAM@soybean QEF project”. More than 80 local high school teachers joined the seminar. In the seminar, Prof. Lam used soybean as an example to show how students could learn the concept of growth and development, life cycle of an annual plant, genetics, and biotechnology. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by soybean could be used to illustrate the importance of microorganisms; Global issues such as food security, agriculture, and sustainability could also be addressed. While Ms. Ling Wong from Prof. Lam’s Lab introduced to teachers the basic cultivation knowledge of Soybean and showed some real soybean in different growth stage to teachers.
Resources :
“Using soybean as an example to study biology cum STEAM@soybean QEF project”.
Introduction of Soybean
Video of the workshop