Before deciding to apply to University, you’ll likely give a lot of thought to various factors. Some of them may include proximity to family and friends, quality of faculty, the availability of on-university housing, and the specifics of individual students. Still, another consideration is the overall level of student satisfaction at each institution you’re considering. Picking one of the UK’s happiest universities to get a PhD in Built Environment might prove a wise move, as this indicator of student happiness can be quite telling.
In light of this, we at EDU opinions analyzed hundreds of authentic student evaluations to determine which UK universities produce the most satisfied PhD students in the field of Built Environment. Our rankings include an overall student satisfaction rating of 5 for each institution based on the average students’ opinions on various factors. Facilities, students, location, campus atmosphere, housing, global perspective, cost-effectiveness, and future employment are all factors to consider.
Click here to continue reading: Pursue Ph.D. in Construction in the UK from the 10 Best University